Amazing Mountains to Explore.


Altitude in meter




Tourist /per

Nepal-Gandaki Province

mustang and upper mustang

Join the Trek

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About Annapurna Base Camp

According to Hindu mythology, Annapurna is a goddess of abundance who lives in South India. Today, the word "Annapurna" refers to a mountain range in Nepal that has some of the world's highest peaks, as well as the region surrounding it, which is known for trekking. The Annapurna Circuit, one of the most popular trekking routes, offers breathtaking vistas of the Himalayas. With numerous degrees of scenery and diverse cultural interactions with various mountain tribes, the exciting journey, which can be extended for more than a month for ardent hikers, has something fresh to offer each day of the trek. 

You'll pass through the world's deepest valley, the Kali Gandaki, which is cut by the river between two massive mountains, Dhaulagiri (8167m) and Annapurna (8091m). 

Over View:

Our main Over View




8 Days

Difficulty Level

Overnight at the Hotel

Max Elevation

5,643 meters



Trip Facts

We live for the nature

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Facts 1: Hiking can help reduce anxiety and depression.

Being out in nature away from all forms of technology is something that everybody should do at least once in a while. Hiking allows you to step away from the normal distractions of everyday life and enjoy some peace while away. 

Facts 2: Hiking helps elevate all of your senses.

Facts 3: Hiking can improve your overall sleep quality.



Our main Highlights





We live for Nature

Day 1 : Arrive in Kathmandu.

Day 2 : Kathmandu: Free day.

Day 3 : Kathmandu– Khudi – Bhulbhule (800m)

Day 4 : Bhulbhule - Jagat (1300m) 6/7hrs of walk

Day 5 : Jagat – Dharapani (1900m) 6/7hrs walk

Day 6 : Dharapani – Chame (2700m) 5/6hrs walk

Day 7 : Chame– Pisang (3300m), 5/6hrs walk

Day 8-12 Manang (3540m) 6/7hrs walk

Day 7 : Chame– Pisang (3300m), 5/6hrs walk

Day 8-12 : Pisang – Manang (3540m) 6/7hrs walk

Day 13 : Marpha- Tatopani (1200m), 4/5hrs by JEEP in graveled road about 50km

Day 14 : Tatopani- Gorepani (2850m), 7/8hrs walk

Day 15 : Ghorepani- Ghandruk (1900m), 6/7hrs walk

Day 16 : Ghandruk- Pokhara, 4/5hrs walking +1hrs30min in the bus

Day 17 : Breakfast in the hotel and depart to Kathmandu by tourist bus 6/7hrs.

Day 18 : Kathmandu: free day for shopping and souvenirs..

Day 19 : Transfer to International airport for final departure

 (Departure time from hotel will be fixed as per your flight schedules for the return) 

Issues to be considered:
