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Royal Morek is a brand that provides a royal experience. We have some new and interesting travel goods for you. Help to promote ecotourism and sustainable travel. We are professionals in a wide range of travel-related activities, including hiking, climbing instruction, and adventure sports, with options ranging from luxury to affordable. We are experts in preserving memories for our valued clientele. And we truly believe that their happiness is our first priority.

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"My family and I visited Nepal few year ago, and Royal morek customized our tour. We wanted to explore Gorkha, Chitwan and Pokhara. They had taken care of all of the bookings and we didn't have any trouble throughout our trip. We wanted to go go jungle safari in Chitwan and they manged to make sure we got tours lined up. Overall, they created itinerary that worked best for us. Thank you Royal Morek for making our trip special"

Bidusha Mudhbhari



"My name is Noco Obayashi, and my coworkers and I just spent a little time in Nepal. After that, we contacted RoyalMorek Travel, who made our little stay incredibly nice and seamless. The lovely city tour and everything else are very appreciated"

Noco Obayashi

Restaurant Owner


Mr. Krishna Thapa from RoyalMorek made my stay in Nepal comfortable and hassle-free. My name is David, and I'm from Slovakia. My itinerary for Nepal was ideal. I'll be back shortly. Also, Mr. Krishna Thapa, see you soon.

Viktor Klevich

Research Chief


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