Amazing Mountains to Explore.


Altitude in meter




Tourist /per

Bagmati Province

Langtang Gosainkunda Trek

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Enhance Your Royal Experience 

Langtang Gosainkunda Trek

Langtang Gosaikunda combines the remote and beautiful valley of Langtang with the lofty alpine lakes of Gosaikunda. After viewing the gorgeous Langtang National Park, you may climb to the end of the valley to view the breathtaking mountain landscapes. You travel down the Trishuli River north of Kathmandu, passing through the towns of Dhunche and Trishuli Bazaar your route to Syabrubensi, a Sherpa community on the borders of the Langtang National Park.

 Then you continue east into the Langtang valley, crossing the river several times as you make your way up to the lower canyon of the valley. You go through oak and rhododendron forests as well as a glacial moraine en route to the Tamang community of Langtang. A little farther up the valley is Kyanging Gompa, where you may stay the night and eat some of the local yak cheese. You go through the remote valley of Nubamatang, which is hidden in the mountains, on your way up to observe the glaciers that delineate the Tibetan border. Backtracking through Syabru and Sing Gompa brings one to a high plateau with the holy lake Gosinkunda. You leave the Langtang area behind as you travel south through Tharepati and Kutumsang to Sundarijal after crossing the Lauribinayak Pass (4610m). 

Note: Even though this is our timetable, it might be changed to meet your needs. For instance, the number of days might go up or down, and the place could be added or eliminated. 

Journey Facts

Our main Over View




15 Days

Difficulty Level

Lodges and Tea House

Max Elevation

5,643 meters


Private Vehicle 



Our main Highlights


We live for Nature

Day 1 : Arrive in Kathmandu.

Day 2 :  Half day sightseeing in Kathmandu (1380mtrs) 

Day 3 : Drive from Kathmandu to Syaphrubesi (1440mtrs)

Day 4 : Trek to Lama Hotel (2480mtrs): Walking Time: 6 hour

Day 5 : Trek to Langtang(3430mtrs): Walking Time: 6 Hour

Day 6 : Trek to Kyangjin Gompa (3860mtrs): Walking Time: 4 Hour

Day 7 : Acclimatization day in Kyangjin Gompa 

Day 8: Trek to Lama Hotel (2480mtrs) : Walking Time: 7 Hour

Day 9 : Trek to Thulo sayasbru (2260mtrs) : Walking Time: 7 Hour

Day 10 : Trek to Sing Gompa (3250m) : Walking Time: 5 Hour

Day 11 : Trek to Gosaikunda (4380m) : Walking Time: 6 Hour

Day 12 : Trek to Sing Gompa (3250mtrs): Walking Time: 5 Hour

Day 13 : Trek to Dhunche (2090mtrs): Walking Time: 5 Hour

Day 14 : Drive to Kathmandu: 8 Hour Drive

 We'll take our own vehicle to Kathmandu, where you'll be taken to your hotel for a goodbye meal. 

Day 15 :  Farewell And Departure Day 



